Monday, March 31, 2008

We are home for a few days.

We arrived home this evening about 4:30 PM CDT. It took about an hour to get the motor home unloaded. Then we begain the task of putting everything away in the house. The laundry is all piled by the laundry room door. Where it will remain for the night.

We will be home for a week and then off to the Mississippi and Alabama Spring Samborees in Greenville and Dothan respectivly.

We have a very long to do list while home for the week.

More to come from the road to MS and AL.

Monday, March 24, 2008

On the way home.

WOW! How time really flys. It does not seem like 2 months have elapsed since the last update. We had a good time visiting with family in Winter Garden, attending the Florida Winter Samboree and Brandon.

We arrived in Winter Garden on January 6th. It is always good to meet all our friends there at the Garden Cathedral Church of Good. Of course, they insisted that we attend the monthly Senior night pot luck. We always enjoy spending time with Ray and Barbara. We also got to spend time with our friends Barbara and Curtis Burton from Sandston, Virginia. They were staying at the Rolling Hills RV Resort in Clermont.

Then on February 19th, it was off to the Florida Winter Samboree in Dunnellon. We meet several of our Good Sam family there. There were several from the K-town Sams Chapter in Tennessee. The Bluegrass Festival park there in Dunnellon is a great place for a Samboree. We were parked among the oak trees with moss hanging all around.

After the Samboree we headed to Lazy Days Rally Park for 3 nights before moving over to the Brandon Church of God for a few days. We really enjoyed spending time with Don and Frances and the people at their church. We found out that Matt really does love us. Matt and Melanie and others were working on getting a cafe set up for their young people. It will really be a nice place when it is finished.

Then we moved on to Perry to leave the motor home there prior to The Rally while we drove on the Pigion Forge for a weekend with all the Mingers. It was wonderful to get together with many of the family. It was not a fun time for me on Friday and Saturday. I contacted some kind of virus and ended up in the Hospital Friday evening for rehidration. It really hit me in the legs for a few days. Just really weak.

Back to Perry on Sunday and get ready for The Rally. On Tuesday Betty began to come down with the virus. Ellie and I doctored her. However she and several others spent time recovering. Betty began to feel better and was able to help at the dart and ballon booth during Good Sam Day on Monday.

Tuesday morning we departed Perry for a stop in Atlanta to get Ellie to the Airport. Then on to Helen Georgia and Unicoi Spring Camp Resort for a week of R&R.

We will leave Unicoi Spring tomorrow morning 3/25 headed to Lebanon, Tennessee to prep for the Tennessee Good Sam state committee meeting on 3/29.

We should be home on 3/31/PM.

More to come..................