Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here is hoping everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving. We enjoy a wonderful day at our son and daughter-in-laws home with her family and ours. It is always great to get together and share laughter, fun and food with those we hold dear.

We are still trying to finish up this house renovations. we are to the slowest part now. That of getting everything put back in it place and getting rid of things we no longer use. We should be finished sometime next week.

More later.................

Monday, November 10, 2008

Great weekend camping with Bluff City Sams

We had a great weekend camping with the Bluff City Sams at Wall Doxey State Park near Holly Springs, MS. Their November camp out is always highlighted with the Saturday evening Thanksgiving dinner. The men fixed breakfast Saturday morning.

Today we are back home and the guys are here installing the new floor in the sun room. Of course, it is going slower than we had hoped. They have the furniture sitting on the patio. Hope they get all finished before the rain arrives tonight.

We plan to be home now through the Holidays. Then off to Ventura California for the director's meeting January 5-9, 2009. Then back home and probably off to Florida to spend some time with my family before the babies come. The Florida Winter Samboree is in question at this point. We are hoping to be able to attend before the babies come.

See you all soon!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Finally in the house!!!!

Wow! Finally! Whoopee! We will sleep in our house tonight! We are still trying to get STUFF back in its place. There are a few little odds and ends that need to be taken care of. But we are back in it. At least for a couple of nights.

Then we are off on Thursday morning to join the Bluff City Sams Chapter for their November camp out. We are looking forward to sharing a Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday night served by the park staff.

Wall Doxey State Park is a really nice Mississippi Park. They have a lodge and many buildings that were built back during the depression by the CCC's.

More later...................